About Me:

Photo: Taken in the Olbrich Botanical Gardens greenhouse in Madison, Wisconsin. Photo captured by my friend, Sarah.
I come from a small town in Pennsylvania, but often choose my book settings as places I have traveled. I have been writing as long as I can remember, even if it was only to pass the time. Eventually, I decided to start writing stories. I graduated college in May 2022 with a minor in English Professional Writing. Along with that, I was a Writing Tutor, and Editor-In-Chief of the newspaper there. (So yes, I like writing )
As of August 2021, I am a self-published author through Amazon KDP. I am thrilled to share my stories with you now after years of writing, editing, and more.
I can be patient most of the time, but not always. KDP is nice because I choose the timeline of when I release my books. I already have the entire "The Sea Of Paper" series complete. I will not wait a year in between each book as most publishers do, so stay tuned. I will polish the stories and slowly filter them out into the world.
***Also, I know the grammar is not going to be perfect, especially in my first three published in "The Sea Of Paper," but that's because I am my own editor, and still learning more about grammar. I strive to make it better every new book.***
I love talking about my stories and how they came to be. Sometimes there is a reason I wrote a specific scene the way I did. Feel free to contact me (see contact page), if you would like to ask a question about my books, or have a comment. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Thank you for joining me on my book journey.